MALO - Mon père

MALO is a French music band of personal and original songs, composed of two men, a woman, mixed voices and acoustic instruments who take you to countries where party and poetry meet. The group is part of a certain tradition of French-speaking song and in the lineage of alternative artists.

Along the Mekong

Long Live the Fallen World is the only bridge that made sense to me between my desire to create art and my fascination with the intensity of history. Explore History through travel and my eyes as a photographer: It's a lifetime project focusing on old worlds, their heritage and lost civilisations to enhance and create awareness about our world's ancient civilisations and the importance of heritage.


Long Live the Fallen World started when I went on my adventure through over 9000km in four months across the Mekong area to capture remnants of the Southeast Asian past: the golden age of the Siamese, the Pagan Kingdom and the Khmer Empire. My work aims to inspire people to learn their own History, to learn about other cultures and to try and understand why things are the way they are now, in order to learn our mistakes and maybe, make the world a better place. We have to ask ourselves: what can we learn from History? What can my History teach me as a citizen of this world? Understand where we have been and where we're from to truly appreciate who we are.